🕒 Takes 15-20 mins on Wednesday evening.

Your role is to check people are supervising and belaying correctly, and step in and offer advice where there is room for improvement.

What do you do:

  • Don't get paired, climb with your usual friends or go bouldering
  • Walk around the centre
  • Chat to people with Climbing Clan wristbands
  • Things to ask "How's it going this evening?", "What're you focused on tonight?"
  • Keep an eye on people's techniques, in particular, people new to the start of their journey top rope belaying, lead belaying and lead climbing.
  • Look out for "pincer-grip" top rope belaying, standing in the fall zone with too much slack lead belaying, and lead climbers z-clipping.

This is a great way to have a chat, offer some encouragement, give some tips and give back to the Clan.

There's no more of a set goal than this - walk round, have some chats - particularly with lower skilled groups - and help keep the Clan as safe and knowledgable as possible.

Want some really good advice to help you?

This clip at 0:40 from this industry body has some really good tips:

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