Top Rope Train the Trainer Workshop 17/05

This is for Indoor Climbers to support them sharing the skills of Top Rope Belaying to people climbing with the Clan who can't belay yet.
When: Friday 17 May - Friday 17 May 24
Time: 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm
LocationParthian Manchester Climing Centre in Greater Manchester as part of a group of 6 learners.
Members Price: £9
Minimum Skills
• Top Rope belay (or better)
Minimum Volunteering Contribution
• Volunteered 1 or more times
Minimum Gear
• Harness, Shoes, Belay Device (hire available)
You must also:
• Be over 18
• Have Clan Membership
Login to see what places are available and to sign up ⤵️
Training events are usually focused on Clan Members who volunteer and support us.

Getting Clan Membership is quick, easy and much cheaper than you think and will pay for itself. Take a look?

What will be covered?

What skills you have when you arrive will depend what the day is focused on, but broadly speaking you'll focus on:

  • Best Practices for passing on top rope belaying skills indoors

to people who would typically:

  • are totally new to climbing
  • don't have any belaying experience

The aim is to help you feel as confident teaching the basics as possible.

What can I learn ahead of time?

It never hurts to refamiliarise yourself with best practice of how to tie a figure of eight, how to put on a climbing harness, how to attach a belay device, and how to belay.

Who is running this?

We have arranged for Ian Dunn from Coaching Climbing, who holds CWI, CWIA, CWDI, RCI, RCDI and Development and Performance Coach Awards to run the evening.

This session would cost £100 per person if run commercially and not run through the Clan.

We really want you to attend when you say you will.

We will use the money from participants to offset the cost to the Clan.

Kit List
Vague Plans


We  love dogs, but sadly they're not welcome on this trip

Couldn't I come on a Wednesday? What's the difference?

On Wednesday, we tend to climb socially for our own enjoyment. This is a workshop specifically focused on supporting your skill development.

Can I come on this one if I've been on a Clan training event before?


How can I say thank you to the trainer?

Say thank you!

How can I say thank you to the Clan?

Continue to be you. Pay it forward. We all learnt from someone, and you've supported lots of people already - keep doing that!

How can I get a longer heads up on these?

Those who give back to the Clan the most are always first in line.

So if you can't make this one, and want to be the first to hear about upcoming events - see what you can do to volunteer and help out at some upcoming events - on Wednesday, Thursday evenings and weekends.

Can my friend sign up who's not a member of the Clan yet?

These are specifically for Clan members who volunteer and give back to the Clan - so your friend won't be able to come to something like this yet.

However, if they get Clan membership, and start coming to Clan events and helping out - then as soon as they have the right skills, we'll get them onto an event like this!

Why is membership required?

We want to invest in people who invest in the Clan. Membership is part of that.

What about the weather?

It's an indoor event...

The event is highly likely the event will go ahead whatever the weather. (95% likely to go ahead, 5% risk of cancellation, 0% risk of people postponed).

We may adjust the activities to the weather conditions, but there are plenty of things we can do if the weather is wet or windy or super sunny, and we'll make good decisions to allow us to get the most out of the day.

Even in less than ideal weather conditions, we'd expect people to get a lot out of the day - so bringing clothes to suit the weather is recommended.

Is this compliant with the BMC's Combined Liability Insurance Policy?

No. This event will be covered by the provider's public liability insurance policy.

I signed up, and now can't make it.

It'd be ideal if this didn't happen. This event literally costs the Clan £££ and not showing up or cancelling at short notice is not ideal.

However these things do happen and the standard Cancellation Policy for training event applies here.

Kit List

normal text: things you definitely need
italic: optional things you might like to have

You will need

  • climbing harness
  • shoes
  • belay device
  • drinks?
  • cake?


Times are all subject to change, and are mainly for illustration and to start conversation.

The evening

5:50 Meet in Cafe area

6:00 Event Starts

8:00 Break

9:45pm Close

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