đź•’ Takes 5-10 mins on Wednesday evening.

Your role is to bring the clan together and help people feel part of something bigger by sharing announcements and upcoming events.

Here's what you do:

Before the event:

  • Check the website for any upcoming overnight trips opening for signup soon (or currently open)
  • Check what other events are coming up (eg on the Social Clan Facebook group)
  • Read the notes below
  • Check with the Event Director to see if there is any other information to include

On Wednesday Evening:

  • At 20:00 head to the cake area
  • When you feel like everyone has arrived, or at around 20:10 get everyone's attention. Don't start speaking til everyone is quiet. If people talk over you, stop talking and look at them til they're quiet.
  • Try to end on a high and aim the applause at the end at someone or some people within the group who've done or achieved something this week

The standard notes are below, but feel free to ad-lib, adapt, follow to the word, or edit this as you see fit - please use the values (highlighted) if you can!

Hi I'm .. [your name] and my pronouns are [your pronouns eg she/her/he/him/they/them etc]

The Climbing Clan is an inclusive community who empower each other to share adventures, skills and cake - if you’re here for the first time - welcome! 

We meet here every Wednesday for indoor adventures, and every week during the summer, we’ll be going outdoor climbing - Keep an eye out for this re-starting in the new year, and in the meantime we have some amazing trips coming up [talk here about any overnight trips currently on the website]. They usually sell out quick so don’t miss out!

Membership - if you’re enjoying joining the community, grab yourself Climbing Clan membership - includes BMC insurance, big discount on trips, and 10% discount at Parthian and Summit Up - well worth it!

We’re a community beyond climbing - so if you fancy film nights, games, hikes, theatre - and no doubt cake - get stuck in and join up to the Social Clan on Facebook [check Facebook group and mention upcoming events]. 

We also love to share skills - if you’ve been passing on skills tonight - thank you! We run regularly workshops as a way to develop members’ skills and empower people who give a lot to making the Climbing Clan happen. Coming up is [check what training events are on the website] so if you’re interested, make sure you’re regularly volunteering or chat to one of the committee about other ways you may be able to help out. 

Everything that made tonight happen was done by volunteers - [ask who volunteered tonight] THANK YOU! We currently need more folk to do [ask Event Director what volunteer roles need some extra people] so if that sounds like you, come chat to [tonight’s Event Director].

And finally, cake!!! After cake… if the person you’re climbing with is going home, ask [tonight’s pairing team] to help find a new partner. Why not chat to someone new over cake? And if you have brought some of these amazing cakes and snacks - THANK YOU! [Applause, eat cake]

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