🕒 Takes 5-10 mins on Wednesday evening.
Your role is to get everyone climbing with the Clan to be in the meeting area for announcements and cake at 8pm.
At 7:50pm, start making your way around the centre, and chatting to everyone with Climbing Clan wristbands and letting them know it’s nearly time for cake. You could say something like this:
"Hi! Sorry to interrupt, just wanted to let you know it's cake in the cake area in 5 minutes time"
You might come across some people who say they’ve already been told it’s time for cake - this is awesome! The may be people on rounding up are doing a great job. Just pretend they've told half the Clan, but not the other half and you don't know which is which... so continue as you are! It never hurts to be reminded about cake twice does it?
Thanks for your support here this role really helps the Clan bond together.